Green Yoga Graduates Reviews

Yoga TTC in Europe from Indian school


Join us now our Multistyle Yoga teacher training in Mallorca, Europe. Our YTTC is Yoga Alliance certified and you will become a RYT 200. Spaces are limited!
Reserve your seat fast!


Stephanie Hazelhood, England

Abi, UK

Veronica, CzechRepublic

Christiane, Denmark

Mara, Philippine

Barbora, Czeck Republic

Dani & Theresa, Germany


Below are few words from our past students who have attended some of our retreats, courses and drop-in yoga classes. If you are one of our alumni student, who have done any course from us and want to add to our Reviews gallery. You are most welcome. Kindly send us few words for us with you name, email and date / type of course attended. We will be heartily thankful to you.
