Prepare your trip

Yoga in General

What is Yoga?

Yoga is not a religion, it is a science of inner engineering, it’s an art of self discipline.
Yoga is not just another sport; it’s a life changing activity; it’s a systematic way of living life.

What are the benefits of Yoga?

Besides the physical benefits such as stretching, full body workout etc, practicing, learning or teaching yoga in any style, from anywhere will invite peace, happiness, health and prosperity into your life.

Can I practice Yoga if I’m not flexible?

Yes, you can. Yoga itself will make you fit and flexible – physically and mentally.

Yoga Teacher Training

Syllabus of 200 hours YTTC

1. Yoga teaching techniques (100 hours)


Yoga teaching techniques is one of the most important and essential parts of the course. This part of the teaching includes training, practicing and teaching techniques of traditional yoga practices like:

  • Asana (yoga postures) as per the different yoga stiles that we will teach in the course.
  • Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)
  • Shatkarmas (Cleansing Techniques)
  • Bandhas (Locking of energy)
  • Mudras (channelizing energy)
  • Meditation techniques
  • Mantras and chanting.


2. Teaching methodology (15 hours)


The objective and aim of this module is to learn the art of teaching as well as the business and marketing aspects of yoga:


Cultivate the qualities of a good teacher like intonation of voice, timings, class planning, sequencing of asanas and art of adjustment and alignment.
Get opportunity to refine your qualities by teaching in small and big group with other students.


3. Anatomy and physiology (15 hours)


In this module we will be focusing on:


  • The general movement and terminology of human body
  • The systems of the body (nervous, endocrine, respiratory, skeletal and muscular systems) and their co-relations in the context of yoga practice.
  • Benefits and contraindications of the yoga asanas. “Key muscles of yoga”
  • The pranic energy channels of the body
  • The pancha koshas (sheath)
  • The five elements of universe
  • The seven chakras.


4. Yoga philosophy, lifestyle and ethics for Yoga teachers (30 hours)


In yoga philosophy you will learn the aim and objective of yoga and the ethics and living a yogic lifestyle.

Yoga philosophy includes:


  • Definition of yoga
  • Paths of yoga (jnana, raja, bhakti and karma yoga)
  • 8 limbs of Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Biography of important yogis
  • Study of ancient text: ‘Bhagbad Gita’
  • Yoguic diet and life style
  • Ayurveda


5. Practicum (20 hours)


In this module you will:


  • Get opportunity to refine your qualities by teaching as a lead trainer in small and big group with other students.
  • Receive and give feedback from your end to your colleagues
  • Learn how to organize and sequence a class of 60’, 75’ and 90’ minutes.
  • Assist students while someone else is teaching
  • Participate in group discussions
  • Develop the power of Observation and attention to detail in teaching


***The lead teacher, Atmarekha teaching 71% of the contact hours of this course. These hours are dedicated to the lead teachings, so students can expect to be taught directly by Atmarekha. These hours do not include any assisting or supervision of other teachers, teaching on the course.

What are the requirements to participate in a YTTC?

It’s always good if you have some previous experience in yoga practice. In case you don’t have any, it is not a problem at all. As long as you are physically and mentally in good shape and willing to take on the challenging journey of a TTC.


A TTC is the foundation which will guide you internally and externally about your practice and teaching.

Remember that it is not about the quantity of time you spend in your practice, it’s about the “quality”.

What are the career opportunities after completing a TTC with Green Yoga International?

After completing the TTC you can:


  • work as an independent teacher
  • open your own studio
  • work as an assistant teacher of a big organization
  • be a part of a health & wellness/yoga retreat
  • write for an international yoga/health magazine
  • work with 5 star hotels/beach resorts as a yoga professional
  • work in gyms and fitness centers
  • work in a school as a teacher
  • Be a part of an NGO/government organization/hospitals/corporate…

Are the courses Yoga Alliance certified?

Green Yoga International is a Yoga Alliance International (USA) and Yoga Alliance Professional (U.K) certified premier Yoga Teacher Training School based in Mallorca, Spain

The Yoga teacher’s course is duly certified by Yoga Alliance which is a certification that is accepted worldwide to teach yoga. Once completed the TTC, You are eligible to register in either of the Alliances, Yoga Alliance U.S.A. and Yoga Alliance U.K.

Is a 21days TTC enough to become a yoga teacher?

Yes, this three weeks long TTC is like planting a seed in your mind which will emerge as a huge tree by the passing of time. The only thing you need is to nourish the seed every day. Remember that when you will be teaching and helping others, the knowledge that you will get is more valuable than years of practicing and studying.

What qualities do I need to be a good yoga teacher?

You need to be eager to continuously learn, have a good heart and a clean soul. It is an advantage if you like to be around people, if you are sociable and enjoy engaging with others.


What’s the weather like on Mallorca?

Mallorca has a Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and hot, sunny summers. In Palma, the largest city, the average temperature ranges from 10°C (50 °F) in January and February to 25.5 °C (78 °F) in August.

How do I get to your location from Palma?

We will arrange a shared minibus to offer transfer from the airport and/or Palma city to our location directly. From our past experience most of the students arrive before 13:00 noon. After receiving your arrival details we will create a WhatsApp group and will update the exact time and meeting point of this shared transfer service.


If you arrive after 13:00 you have 2 options:


  • You can take a taxi directly from Palma airport to the location. This will cost approximately € 70,00-€ 90,00. If there are more students arriving with similar timings, you could share the taxi and the cost.
  • You can take public transportation to Manacor: from Palma airport to Palma city center by bus and Palma city center to Manacor by train. Please note that we will not offer pick-ups from Manacor. You would still need to take a taxi from Manacor to the location.


For the departure we will also arrange a shared minibus, leaving around 9:00am towards Palma city and the airport.

Cost per person and per transfer is €15,00. You can also book this services within the customer portal.

How do I get to your location from Palma?

We will arrange a shared minibus to offer transfer from the airport and/or Palma city to our location directly. From our past experience most of the students arrive before 13:00 noon. After receiving your arrival details we will create a WhatsApp group and will update the exact time and meeting point of this shared transfer service.


If you arrive after 13:00 you have 2 options:


  • You can take a taxi directly from Palma airport to the location. This will cost approximately € 70,00-€ 90,00. If there are more students arriving with similar timings, you could share the taxi and the cost.
  • You can take public transportation to Manacor: from Palma airport to Palma city center by bus and Palma city center to Manacor by train. Please note that we will not offer pick-ups from Manacor. You would still need to take a taxi from Manacor to the location.


For the departure we will also arrange a shared minibus, leaving around 9:00am towards Palma city and the airport.

Cost per person and per transfer is €15,00. You can also book this services within the customer portal.

Where to fly to?

The airport of Mallorca is located in the outskirts of Palma, the airport code is PMI.

Organizing your visit

When do I receive all details about my course?

You will receive an itinerary and full manual of your course with all details on what we recommend to bring along after your booking, 4 weeks prior to the start of your TTC.

What to bring to the TTC?

You will receive an itinerary of your course with all details on what we recommend to bring along after your booking, 4 weeks prior to the start of your TTC. But think about traveling light, there is not much you will need around here!

Can I carry electronic devices with me?

You are free to bring electronic devices, even if we recommend to also disconnect a little from the outside world, your daily routine, work mails, social media,…


In both of our locations we offer WIFI 24 hours free of charge. Please be aware that the quality of the connection is limited, depending on how many people connect at the same time.

Which kind of clothes should I bring?

  • Light and comfortable cotton clothes for yoga practice
  • A pair of white clothes for ceremonies
  • Swimming suit (for pool & beach)
  • One piece of light warm clothes (jumper). You may require in the night or early morning as sometimes its little chilly in the morning

Who do I share the room with?

We will assign the shared rooms with your new friends having in mind gender, so you will only be sharing with people of the same gender.

Do you have parking at the location?

At our Green Life Retreat we do offer parking in front of the Finca, within the premises, free of charge. At our Ashram there is no parking, but you can happily use the parking at the Green Life Retreat, as long as you don’t depend on daily use of the vehicle.

On arrival day, what time do I need to be at the location?

Check-in on day 1 of the course is possible any time between 11h and 16h. The opening ceremony will start in the afternoon, around 16h.

On departure day, what time can I leave?

The closing ceremony will take place the afternoon/evening prior departure. This means on the day of departure you are free to leave as early as you wish, check-out time is no later than 12h.

Can my friend/partner stay with me, if they are not participating in the course?

The TTC will be a very intense time that you will share with your fellow students, teachers and with a lot of deep reflections within yourself. For this reason, we do not host people outside the students group at our premises. You are free to go and visit your friend/partner on your day off, but all other days you will have a tight schedule and we recommend you focus on your training and your inner self.

During your stay

What kind of meals are included?

We do provide delicious & healthy vegetarian yogic meals throughout the training, except the days off.

Your stay includes a delicious brunch and a varied dinner. Additionally, you will be served 2 healthy snacks throughout the day. Furthermore, we provide coffee, tea and water 24 hours a day.

Do we have free time to explore the island?

The TTC does have a tight schedule which will keep you busy throughout the day. It is a nice variation of practical and theoretical classes and some time for self practice and studying. This does only leave little time to explore the island during the weeks. You will have one day off per week which you can use to explore Mallorca, its beautiful beaches and versatile nature.


Do I need to bring medicines with me?

We advise not to carry a lot of medicines, except those that you have to take or use regularly. Mallorca is a very touristic destination and everything is available on the island.

Do I need travel insurance?

Green Yoga International requires that all students attending the Teacher Training program have comprehensive travel and medical insurance for the duration of their training.