Terms and Conditions

Booking conditions


  • Bookings can be made via our website:  https://bookings.greenyogainternational.com/en/
  • Availability for every course is limited. Applicants will be taken on a “first come first serve” basis.
  • To confirm a booking, payment of a deposit of € 300,00 is required at the moment of booking.
  • Green Yoga International cannot guarantee your registration in a Teacher Training Course training until the deposit payment is made.
  • Last minute bookings are subject to availability.
  • Green Yoga International reserves the right to refuse a place to the students who haven’t paid the outstanding balance before starting the course
  • Green Yoga International reserves the right to adjust pricing of their courses at any time. For those students that have paid the deposit, the price will be maintained as it was published the moment of booking. For those that book and confirm with deposit after the changes, the new prices will apply.

Payment conditions


  • A deposit of € 300,00 must be paid the moment of booking to secure a place in the course. This payment has to be made during the booking process via credit card or bank transfer.
  • The remaining balance of the course fee has to be paid 7 days prior to arrival via bank transfer or credit card. Alternatively, it can be paid latest on at the arrival date, before beginning the course
  • Both payments are non refundable but can be adjusted with other YTTC dates or any other program that Green Yoga International offers (yoga holiday, ayurveda treatments…). This will be valid for one year and is transferable to family members.

Refund policy


Students pulling out of the course:


The school has the right to pull out a student in case of the following circumstances:


  • Student consume drugs and alcohol in the School premises
  • Indiscipline and bad behavior in the classes with colleagues or teachers
  • Violating the rules and regulations of the institution


In the cases mentioned above, there will be no refund at all.


Students leaving the course:


If any student decides to leave the course due to personal reasons before it ends, there will be no refund.

Only with the school management approval, the student will be allowed to come in another course date to complete the amount of days of the course that they were missed.

Before the student leave the premises has to sign a check out form.


Cancellation of the course:


  • Course leaders or Management reserve the right to cancel the course at any point.
  • If the course is canceled prior the starting date, the full amount of the deposit paid will be refunded
  • If the course is canceled during the training, Green Yoga International will refund the proportional fee for the days/hours of no instructions. In this case, Green Yoga International will issue a certificate in which the hours taught will be reflected.


Covid-19 Refund policy


In case Green Yoga International has to cancel the course due to full lockdown (as happened in March 2020) the student will be offered full flexibility to reschedule to another date during the next 2 years. (subject to availability)


In case a student can not come to the course due to sudden restrictions in their own country Green Yoga International will also offer flexibility to reschedule the course during the next 2 years. (subject to availability)

Rules & Regulations


This month long program is an opportunity to look deep inside yourself by training your body and mind and heading towards the soul following certain yamas and niyamas (do’s & don’ts) as described below:


  • During the training, consumption of drugs, smokes and drinks are prohibited. Understand that this training is the beginning of your new life.
  • Please inform us well in hand if you have undergone any recent injuries or surgery. Also if you are having any disease or food allergy.
  • Although our environment is encouraging and we are concerned about the health and safety of our students, if any injury occurs during the course and practice, the school and affiliated teachers are not liable. It is students’ own responsibility toward safety.
  • Even though our retreat is very safe and secure we advise the students to take care of their valuable belongings.
  • Students should be on time for all the classes and at least 100% attendance is required to get the certificate. If you miss any class time (except an emergency), the missed classes must be completed at extra cost to the student and according to the teacher’s availability.
  • It’s requested to maintain your accommodation and common areas of the retreat clean and we require a high degree of personal hygiene. Green Yoga International maintains high standards of cleanliness.
    It’s requested to wear yoga friendly clothes during the training inside the retreat, which is respectful to Indian culture.
  • We expect a friendly and respectful behaviour/manner towards staff, teachers and colleagues during your training period.

Marketing purposes


Students agree that images taken during their stay in which they appear may be used for the following marketing purposes:


  • Social media content
  • Website images
  • Newsletter images
  • Promotional material

Covid-19 Prevention measures


Due to the current situation with the pandemic, it is important to us to define the safety measures in place at our premises. We ask all students to follow these guidelines and support us, as we can only prevent the spread of the virus together.


​​Prior arrival


  • Regarding the official entry requirements for Spain and the Balearic Islands, please check the official sources.
  • We recommend you to ensure that you are not having any symptoms of COVID-19 before taking the flight.
  • If you have any symptoms related to COVID-19, it is compulsory to bring a negative PCR test no older than 48hours
  • During your journey to the Retreat, please follow all the protocols and practice social distancing as far as possible
  • We recommend you to avoid staying outside accommodation before joining the training for your own safety and others. If you wish to explore Mallorca, we recommend you to do it after the training is over.


During your stay


  • Maintain a safe distance from others (at least 1 meter), even if they don’t appear to be sick.
  • We recommend wearing a mask in public, especially indoors or when physical distancing is not possible.
  • Choose open, well-ventilated spaces over closed ones. Open a window if indoors.
  • Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub – We do provide disinfectant gel around the premises
  • Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze


Additionally, for the YTTCs:


If throughout your stay at the Green Life Retreat at any stage you present any kind of symptoms, please inform reception immediately. For conservative handling of the delicate topic and for your safety and the one of others, it is mandatory to conduct an antigen-self test upon arrival at the premises. This is why we ask you to carry 1 antigen-self test with you for the scheduled testing times.

Upon arrival, we ask all students to sign a liability waiver, releasing Green Yoga International from all liabilities arising out of or relating to Covid-19.